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Kendal At Home

The Care You Need Wherever and Whenever You Need It

You want to remain in your home as you age...

But how do you do that safely? Make a plan with Kendal at Home. Learn how we can be your partner in healthy aging. To learn more about the services we provide, check out our videos below.

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Hear from Kendal at Home member Yolanda C. about why she became a member


Hear from Kendal at Home member Ruth D. about why she became a member

C1 What KAH Does

Chapter 1 - What Kendal at Home Does - Lindsay Scott shares an overview of the Kendal at Home offering, detailing the not-for-profit’s mission, values and member benefits 



C2 Planning To Age Well

Chapter 2 - Planning To  Age Well - Lindsay Scott talks about the importance of having a plan to age well. She discusses the pro’s and cons of common aging plans, such as moving to a retirement community or relying on family.



C3 Lets Talk Abt LTCChapter 3 - Let’s Talk About Long-Term Care Insurance -  Lindsay Scott talks about long-term care insurance, pointing out some common misperceptions and sharing an important story everyone should hear.



C4 Understanding Medicaid and Medicare

Chapter 4 - Understanding Medicaid & Medicare - Howard Braxton, Corporate Director of Sales and Marketing, joins Lindsay to talk about the likelihood of needing some long-term care. He highlights the advantages and limitations associated with both Medicaid and Medicare.



C5 Cost of Care

Chapter 5 - The Cost of Care - Lindsay Scott digs into the standard cost of care. She highlights a few different scenarios to help you get a handle on potential expenses and how to plan accordingly.


C6 where To Find Care

Chapter 6 - Where To Find Care - Lindsay Scott details the challenges of finding quality, fully vetted home care.


C7 How KAH Works

Chapter 7 - How Kendal at Home Works - Howard Braxton and Lindsay Scott detail how Kendal at Home membership works, spotlighting the core benefits of membership.


C8 Meet A Care Coordinator

Chapter 8 - Meet a Care Coordinator - Lindsay Scott introduces, Cheryl, a Care Coordinator. Cheryl details her essential role in the Kendal at Home offerings and shares a member’s powerful journey.



c9 Just the facts

Chapter 9 - Just The Facts - Corporate Director of Sales, Howard Braxton returns and spotlights important Kendal at Home member satisfaction scores.



Join Kendal at Home

Chapter 10 - Joining Kendal at Home - Howard Braxton explains the details of joining Kendal at Home. He covers the 1-time membership fee, monthly fees and the flexibility and options tied to these expenses.


C11 Freedom From a Nursing Home

Chapter 11 - Freedom From a Nursing Home -  Lindsay Scott summarizes the benefits on Kendal at Home, paramount of which is having the freedom from a nursing home.


C12 Why join now

Chapter 12 - FAQ: Why Join Kendal at Home Now? - Lindsay Scott explains why it makes sense to connect with Kendal at Home sooner rather than later.


C13 FAQ Care Coverage

Chapter 13 - FAQ: Do I Pay For Care On Top of My Monthly Fee?- Lindsay Scott explains how covering care works with Kendal at Home.




Chapter 14 - FAQ: Who Decides When I Have To Go Into a Facility? -  Lindsay Scott stresses that Kendal at Home never makes anyone go into a facility.



Chapter 15 - FAQ: What If My Financial Advisor Wants to Weigh In? - Lindsay Scott explains how Kendal at Home is happy to engage financial planners, and notes how this offering is often new to them.