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August 07, 2024

The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Seniors

Physical therapy is "the treatment of disease, injury, or deformity by physical methods such as massage, heat treatment, and exercise rather than by drugs or surgery." Physical therapy can help seniors and older adults reduce pain, improve mobility, and reduce the risk of certain health conditions like arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, and heart disease, thereby improving their quality of life.


A senior who struggles with chronic pain and discomfort, mobility issues, and poor range of motion as a result of age-related decline in muscle strength is usually advised to see a physical therapist.

Regular physical therapy for older adults has a lot of benefits and a positive impact on the physical, mental, emotional, and cognitive health of older adults.


Let us now explore the different ways senior citizens can benefit from physical therapy.


Physical Benefits of Physical Therapy for Older Adults

A decline in physical strength and agility is a normal part of aging. The muscles become frail, leaving seniors prone to falls, physical dependence, and so on. Physical therapy can benefit seniors as it relates to their bodily strength and fitness in the following ways:


1. Improved muscle strength

Using targeted strengthening exercises, stretches, and other techniques such as massage, heat, and cold therapy, etc., physical therapists help seniors gain better muscle might and functionality which is required for independent day-to-day activities. Good muscle firmness also contributes to general fitness and promotes firm muscle and skin tissue. 


2. Improved balance

Physical therapy helps seniors to improve strength and balance, consequently reducing the risk of falls. It includes a range of age-appropriate strength and flexibility exercises that help seniors improve their balance and remain active and independent as they age. 


3. Improved posture

Poor posture in older adults increases the risk of injury and strain on the muscles and joints of the body. With the right treatment plan, physical therapists can help seniors achieve the correct body mechanics to maintain good posture and good spinal health. 


4. Improved skin health 

Physical therapy involves exercises that improve circulation which contribute to healthier skin by ensuring adequate oxygen and nutrient supply to skin cells.


Some physical therapy techniques help reduce pressure on certain parts of the body thereby preventing pressure ulcers (bedsores) in older adults who are less active physically.


Exercises also stimulate collagen production, improve sleep, and increase blood flow to the skin, resulting in healthy, firm, and glowing skin. 


Medical Benefits of Physical Therapy

Medical benefits speak to the positive results that engaging in physical therapy produces in a person's physiological health and well-being. Some medical benefits of physical therapy include;


1. Pain management

Physical therapy can assist with pain management by easing the pain from conditions and symptoms like arthritis or osteoporosis, promoting better mobility and functionality. Your physical therapist might perform techniques and procedures such as deep muscle massage, heat and cold therapy, etc., to manage pain. 


2. Recovery from serious injury or illness

Physical therapy is often used as a rehabilitative treatment to aid recovery after a major illness, injury, or surgery (e.g., stroke, joint replacement, fractures). It helps to enhance healing, restore movement, and promote recovery so that the patient is fit to perform their daily tasks independently. 


3. Management of Chronic Conditions

As people age, the risk of developing chronic diseases increases. Medical doctors assist patients in choosing a physical therapist who provides complementary care to improve their mobility and correct or control the symptoms of certain health conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome, pelvic floor dysfunction, diabetes, heart disease, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as the case may be.


4. Improved cardiovascular health 

Medical professionals also recommend physical therapy to help control the risk of heart disease and stroke. A common risk factor for cardiovascular diseases is obesity. Physical therapy can help seniors reduce their weight and maintain a healthy weight for overall well-being.


5. Management of neurological conditions

Physical therapy can be beneficial for seniors with neurological conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson's disease. In this case, physical therapists work on improving movement, balance, and coordination, which may be affected as a result of nerve damage. The treatment regimen is tailored to address specific symptoms that may present. 


Cognitive Benefits of Physical Therapy for Seniors

Physical therapy can also provide cognitive benefits for seniors by stimulating neuroplasticity, strengthening existing neural pathways or creating new ones, and stimulating the release of certain neurotransmitters. Some of the cognitive benefits include;


1. Enhanced brain function 

Seniors can improve brain function by engaging in physical activity. Physical activity stimulates the brain, promotes the growth of new neural pathways, and enhances cognitive function, leading to improved attention, memory, processing speed, and general cognition. 


2. Neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reorganize and adapt to new information or tasks. Seniors may be referred to physical therapists after major neurological crises such as stroke or traumatic brain injury, for recovery. 


3. Reduced risk of cognitive decline

Seniors are increasingly turning to physical therapy to maintain their overall quality of life. This is because regular exercise has been proven to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia. Physical therapy programs often include aerobic exercise and strength training which contribute to good cognitive health as individuals age.


4. Mood regulation

It is general knowledge that exercise stimulates the release of endorphins and other feel-good hormones and neurotransmitters that improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Physical therapy can help seniors stay lively, happy, and energetic as positive mood states impact overall health positively. 


Seniors and their caregivers should consider enrolling in physical therapy programs. You are advised to consult with your doctor to ensure you get an individualized therapy plan that addresses your specific needs.

Prioritizing physical therapy by consistently attending your exercise and training sessions, ensuring proper nutrition and hydration, and practicing recommended exercises at home will go a long way in promoting longevity, enhanced mobility, reduced pain, independence, and better overall quality of life in the elderly population. 


Properly Plan Your Well-Being with Kendal At Home's Personalized Support

At Kendal At Home, we're dedicated to supporting seniors in maintaining their independence and quality of life. Our personalized care plans, which include the benefits of physical therapy, are designed to help you stay active, reduce pain, and prevent falls.


Trust our experienced team to provide the compassionate care and support you need. Contact Kendal At Home today to learn how our comprehensive approach can enhance your overall well-being and keep you thriving in the home you love.

Healthy aging is hard on your own. Kendal at Home can help you age well and enjoy your retirement.

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